Not knowing the correct Face Painting products can be a minefield. You don't want to go down the route of spending your hard earned cash on useless products. The web is littered with products claiming to be face paint when they are nothing more than coloured wax or worse still, toxic paint. I'll help you with tried and tested products that I use every day.

I'm always being asked for recommendations on what products /equipment are the best. I've been Face Painting for many years, I mainly work on high footfall Corporate Events therefore painting innumerable faces and subsequently using more product. Over the years I've spent more hard earned cash than I'd like to remember on useless products. Please don't be fooled into buying products that say they are credible face painting products when they are more likely to be a poor alternative.
Tip #1 - Face Paint Bundles rather than a Single paint
A Face Paint Bundle offers you more for your money. You'll pay a premium for single paints as opposed to bulk buying. It's also already in a container therefore a tidy storage. As for Palettes, you'll see many online but take note of the weight. I could easily finish off a white paint in most in one day. The Snazaroo kit is probably where the majority of us started off. Snazaroo is a long established brand of Face Paint. I still have the odd Snazaroo sparkle in my kit today. The below TAG / Mehron Face Paint Palettes, however offer a wider range of colours. Both have a substantial amount of quality paint which easily blends without patchiness. Each palette looks professional with a range of colours you'll use every day...
Basic Starter Kit
Snazaroo Face Paint kit - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Middle of the road Palettes
TAG Face & Body Paint - Regular Palette - US Amazon
Mehron Pastel Face & Body paint - Starter Palette - UK Amazon
Advanced Kit - TAG Professional Face Painters Palette - US Amazon - UK Amazon
90g Wolfe White Face Paint
A 90g White face paint is a must, you'll use this more than any other colour! I keep a stock of at least 3 of these as often sold out everywhere. This brand Wolfe FX in particular is fantastic for coverage, blending and linework. - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Tip #2 - Buy Face Paints that are actually meant for the Skin
Seems obvious but there are so many out there that are harmful to the skin. Literally there are 4 brands of Face Paints on Amazon that are actual Authentic Face Paint, the remainder listed us face Painters avoid as they aren't FDA Approved. These can be toxic to the skin, not to mention impossible to actually paint with.
Tip #3 - Paint Brushes and Uses
There really is a plethora of paint brushes out there so how do you choose brushes which will last and won't split. When I first started, I'd use any old brushes then I tried my mothers brushes, she's an actual artist ( I didn't realise paint brushes made a difference. Using my mothers brushes was like having a Eureka moment, I could finally paint like I wasn't a 5 year old. Okay so lets explain brush types...
Round Brushes - Overall Linework
Overall you will need fine point brushes for linework. The KingArt multi pack below is my go to from fine detailing to filling in. Again, buying in bulk works out less expensive and you will use all of these sizes. - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Petal Brushes
Petal brushes also double up as teeth brushes, I use a range of sizes dependant on design and each face/body size. They are flat and excellent for 2 colour petals. - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Flat Square Brushes
Flat brushes are used to incorporate multiple coloured paints at once ie rainbows. Multiple coloured paints are called split cakes.
Split cake examples - - Aimed at flat brush use - Aimed at sponge use
Flat Square Brush Multipack - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Tip #4 - 2 Types of Sponges
You'll require 2 types of sponges and lots of them. 1st are half circle sponges for overall coverage. 2nd are tear drop sponges for eyelid application. The below pack offer both and black doesn't look grubby over time.
Sponges Multipack - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Tip #5 - Glitter
Hemway offer a great range of colours and sizes not to mention Standard and Biodegradable glitters.
Hemway Super Chunky Glitter - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Hemway 54 Mixed Glitter Bundle - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Tip #6 - Untippable Paint Brush Cleaner and Organizer
This Water Organiser is great as there isn't much chance of tipping over. Remember you'll be surrounded mostly by children. - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Tip #7 - Foldable Aluminium Make-up Artist Chair
You'll want to invest in a Tall Make-up Chair, they look professional and some corporate events request only this option. With this in mind opt for a chair which has a floor to seat height of minimum 29 inches otherwise your back will suffer. You'll also want a Lightweight Aluminium frame rather than a heavy wooden frame. Bear in mind you'll be carrying a lot of
equipment to a event so the lighter the better.
Aluminium Foldable Makeup chair
However, If you'd rather be seated, I'd highly recommend a Saddle Chair on Castors. Saddle Chairs encourage you to sit upright and offer a greater range of movement due to the attached wheels. I have both chairs mentioned for different job requirements.
Saddle Stool - US Amazon - UK Amazon
Tip #8 - Convenient Kit Storage / Table
You can literally just close the lid and go with these Make-up cases. They also convert into tables saving you carrying extra equipment. When I first started I'd have numerous face paints which required lids to be removed at the beginning of the day and replaced at the end of the day. Then there was the dismantling of my table and 2 chairs, this was all very time consuming. I'd be there long after the job had finished and often the venue was closing for the day. Nowadays Face Painting Kits have evolved thankfully. These Make-up cases save so much time, look tidy and professional, offer light in dark venues, and last but not least are on wheels so no carrying.
Professional Portable Makeup Case -US Amazon - UK Amazon
Now you are ready to put your Creative Talents to use
Maybe you'll just want a introductory kit simply to paint your own kids or you'll go down the Professional Face Painter route. Either way, the products listed here have been tried and tested without issue. They are used by Professional Face Painters worldwide therefore get their thumbs up approval!
I hope this Blog has inspired you to put your creative talents to use. As Nike says Just Do it!
Good Luck.....